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'Swastika'The Ancient Symbol

In Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism), the Swastika  or sathio is used to mark the opening pages or their account books, thresholds, doors, and offerings.  The swastika was a symbol for the Aryan people, a name which, in Sanskrit means "noble and follower of Sanatan". The Aryans are the group of people who reside in India. As per the oldest religious scriptures they are the divine people chosen by 'Supreme God Head Personality'.

Historical Use of the Swastika

Most people in the Western world think that Swastika is a symbol of Nazis, or racists.  They hardly know anything more about it than that.  After a carefull research on Sanatan and Aryas, what I know about Swastika is this:

 Swastika is considered sacred by Aryas of the word at least since 12,800 years as per the archeological evidence. If we go by the Scriptures then its from the creation. No Arya or Dasyua (hindu) pious religious activity begins without a Swastika drawn first.  There are sixteen pious rituals in the life of a Hindu(Aryas and Dasuyas).  Each one begins with a Swastika.  Just as an American flag signifies a patriotic national activity, a Swastika signifies presence of God and the beginning of a religious activity.

 Unfortunately Hitler misused it in 1940s for political gain.  So, there is no reason why we should think of Swastika as Hitler told the world.  Some 19th century European Sanskrit scholars just fabricated an idea that Aryan is a race.  It is true that Swastika is used by Aryans.  However, what I know from reading Sanskrit scriptures and now may scholars know is that Aryan is not a race.  An Arya is  one who is born in Sanatan faith and believes in the authority of the Vedas.  So, an Arya could only be the one who lives as per the teachings of Sanatan and is the descendent of Manu. The so called Aryans from Europe and Central Asia are the descendents of Danu. They did practice Vedas before the last  ice age but never used the teachings on personal life so they cant be compared to Arays of Aryavrata.

 If you happen to come at my door, you may see a Swastika on it.  This is a Hindu tradition.  No Hindu is a racist.  So, when you see a Swastika, please take time to find out who the person is and why he/she is using it.  Although I was a born Christian but the teachings of Sanatan were so effective that I took Hinduism.  

 Since I talked about Hindu, let me add a little more.  I have seen that Hinduism is grossly misunderstood and misrepresented in World.  I have studied Hinduism and a few other religions.  I have come to understand (and other scholars also believe) that Hinduism is a complete science of spirituality.  So, if you have friendly non envious interest to know what Hinduism really is, I would be pleased to tell about it.  Wishing you best for you life.

The Good Sign

The word swastika is Sanskrit and means "the self-manifested mark."  In other words, it is a sign of self-realization.  It is undoubtedly related to the wheel or dharmachakra, but the fact that it is not wholly enclosed by a rim indicates a  potential for openness and movement.

Pundit Ravi derives the word from su (well), asti (is) and ka (noun ending,) -- "it is well."   He says that the right-turning mark is male and the opposite is female, associated with Hindu goddess Kali and considered inauspicious.  

The swastika has, for most of its history, been an ancient and noble symbol of cosmic order and stability.  It is usually drawn with its arms pointing in a clockwise direction, so it is considered a solar symbol.  It is a protective device used as a blessing or "auspicious sign," and is one of the many symbols used in India as a Hindu forehead mark or tilaka.   It is one of the marks that a Buddha can have on the sole of the foot. 

Cosmology and the Swastika

 Like e.g. the serpent, the swastika crystallizes fundamental principles relating to natural universal processes and their relationship to terrestrial life and was designed to evoke an intuitive or emotional response rather than an intellectual understanding.

As the serpent is the symbol of the creative, energizing force of the Supreme Spirit, the swastika is representative of that life-force being set in motion to initiate the cyclic workings of nature. Both images are thus closely inter-related.

 The ancient Vedic seers described the original cosmic creative process as `the churning of the milky ocean' whereby fields of subtle substance become condensed into gross matter; a view that is now widely accepted today in energy-field physics research.

 This `churning' is represented geometrically in Tantric ritual as a four armed cross within a circle and the cross is meant to be imagined as oscillating backwards and forwards as in a churning motion. The forward movement clockwise is towards evolution while the anti-clockwise movement is towards dissolution. The circle represents the universe in its potential un-manifested state prior to creation and is called in Hinduism `Brahmanda'. The Aryas also believe that the universe periodically dissolves and is then re-created. The period between dissolution and re-creation is known as `Pralaya', a time of rest between creative periods. A period of creativity is called `Manvantara' and both periods (i.e. creation and dissolution) constitute a `Kalpa' or a cycle of creation. The dissolutionary process due to the inevitable pull of gravity and a slowing down of the expanding evolutionary process has been labelled by Western cosmologists as `the big crunch'. The entire creative process is again more descriptively labelled by the Aryas as `the breathing out of Brahma' (the Creator in the Hindu Trinity) while the dissolutionary process is seen as `the breathing in of Brahma'. This cyclic process of cosmic, periodic, involution, evolution and dissolution is symbolized by the forward and backward movement of the cross.


The four arms of the cross are known as `the four arms of Vishnu', the Supreme Deity in Vedic times who later became the `preserver' in the Hindu Trinity. Vishnu's role is to maintain order, balance, and cohesion throughout the created universe. This is the `mystic cross' which later found its way into all religions with certain modifications as the Egyptian Cross, the Chinese Tau, the Cross of the Rosicrucians and the Christian cross.

The created is sustained by continual opposition between two forces, i.e. attraction and repulsion which act and react via a process of flux that is mirrored in the activity of all nature from the breathing of plants, the action of the human lungs, bio-rhythms, the flow of energy in a dynamo, to the expansion and contraction of the Earth itself.

 It is the oscillating motion of the cross within the circle which symbolizes that opposition between positive evolutionary forces and negative dissolutionary forces that give birth to the swastika in both its configurations, i.e. right-angled or left-angled.

 The whole of creation is bound by this principle and by the ultimate balancing of these two polarities, `well-being' that is an ideal state without conflict, may be achieved. On a personal level, this ideal condition, as any individual knows, may at its best be only a sometimes thing during the course of day to day living. The point of eventual neutrality or perfect balance between the two forces, is equilibrium -- thereby no existing conflict between negative and positive. If it were to become an actual consistent condition, the very purpose of life itself (which is innately felt by most individuals as growth towards an ideal or perfection, or total `order') would be pointless and the evolutionary process would cease to be of significance. The cross at rest symbolizes that final perfect balance or equilibrium -- Pralaya.

 On Siva temple throughout India the right-angled swastika is ever present which indicates the transforming and evolutionary aspect which Lord Siva represents in Hindu philosophy.


The Swastika and the Nazis

The most widely accepted explanation of how Adolf Hitler adopted the swastika as a symbol of the Nazi movement is found in his Mein Kampf. The connction, he claimed, came through Dr. Friedrich Krohn, a dentist, and member of the Nazi party. But, like many things related to Hitler and the Nazis, there are other explanations. He states as Swastika was the symbol of God's Chosen people the descendents of Manu, Hitler felt to using that to gain the mercy of True god. Moreover Danu also used the Swastika symbol as its the symbol of Rising Sun.

More about Swastika


This swastika labyrinth used for meditation in the Tantric sect of Hinduism. In Indian thought, the labyrinth represents Maya, the goddess of desire and illusion, who conceals the sacred centre occupied by the god Shiva.

The word 'labyrinth' comes directly from the ancient Minoan civilisation of Crete, and the swastika was used by the Minoans as a symbol of the labyrinth. (Tetradrachm from Knossos, Crete, 1st millenium BC.)

The swastika has been synonymous with the labyrinth for thousands of years. This labyrinth-shaped swastika seal was excavated from the ruins of the ancient Indian city of Harappa (2nd millenium BC). 

The images of spiral, labyrinth and swastika are fused together in this ancient Viking painting. (Gotland stone, Vallstena, Sweden 5th century BC).

A swastika-shaped Navaho sandpainting. These serpentine mandala figures are used by these Indians in their tribal healing ceremonies.




An American Indian swastika made up of four, winged rattlesnakes.


In order to utilise the power of the swastika it's necessary to understand its underlying symbolism - the most important being that, in the art and mythology of the old religions, it's first and foremost a feminine symbol.

The swastika was widely used in ancient Greece to represent a variety of goddess figures. Above is a 6th century BCE pot depicting the virgin huntress figure of Artemis, whose hunting companions were wolves.
On the left is a 4th century BCE vase showing a snake-entwined, martial Athene - the goddess of wisdom, arts and war.

Throughout the ancient cultures of Europe and the Mediterranean, the swastika was widely used as a cypher to represent the Great Goddess, with the feminine deities Astarte, Athene and Artemis all being associated with this symbol. One of the oldest goddess images unearthed - a lead figurine from Troy dating back to the third millenium BCE - has a swastika inscribed over its sexual triangle.

In addition to being found extensively in its square form, the swastika is also widely depicted as a four-armed swirling spiral, conveying the idea of a whirlpool-like vortex whose function is to draw one's consciousness from the outer world to the inner realm of the psyche. In shamanic cultures, the spiral swastika tunnel was a symbol of the bridge between the worlds which had to be traversed by the shaman at the beginning of his trance state. In essence, the swastika represented both the doorway and passageway through to this spiritual realm.

A female swastika motif
on a piece of Samarran pottery from
Mesopotamia (4,000- 3,000 BCE).

Prehistoric Indian American
pottery design showing
the swastika in its swirling,
vortex aspect.

 yam upasate sanatanam tu aryah (Narayan VP 1.9:42)